posts under ARTICLES category

18 Mar

Business Lasting Power of Attorney: How it Could Save Your Business

SMEs account for at least 99% of businesses in the UK and a lot of small business owners are sole traders. While in more recent times more and more...

31 Mar

Making a Will won’t kill you!

More than 30 million Brits don’t have a will,  research from reveals. However, 92% of people say they know who they want to receive their assets when they...

31 Mar

Britain’s top 20 places to raise a family

Where best to raise a family? It is a subject on which every parent in the land has a view. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have plumped for...

31 Mar

Court Fee Increase

Although the services being offered by the Courts at presents leaves much to be desired with waiting time for orders and hearing dates extending to months in some cases,...

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